We include some small chunck of sample data tf_quote and tf_quotes to illustrate what kind of data the package functions are expected and they are used in the tests as well.




An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 81 rows and 11 columns.


  • tf_quote is a China-A security 000002.SZ (Wanke-A)'s quote of 81 days in total, from 2018-01-02 ~ 2018-05-07.

  • tf_quotes is a list of quotes from 20140101 ~ 20180430, containing 300333.SZ,601158.SH,002788.SZ,603101.SH, 600020.SH,601668.SH,600615.SH,002721.SZ,300517.SZ, 601567.SH,603477.SH,002297.SZ,600537.SH,603906.SH, 603183.SH,002884.SZ,300531.SZ,002641.SZ, 002851.SZ,600719.SH.

  • The column VWAP equals to AMOUNT / VOLUME. The columns BMK_CLOSE and BMK_OPEN is the close and open price data of the index China-A All Shares.